When you smoke, nicotine will build up on your teeth, gums, tongue and it has a drying effect in your mouth, the moisture decrease in your mouth will limit the washing effect of the saliva as it acts as a natural mouthwash on oral bacteria.

There are many sources and causes of bad breath other than smoking, the most common cases of bad breath is caused by problems coming from within the mouth, for instance poor oral hygiene or even gum diseases.

There are people that have some degree of bad breath after they sleep, it is commonly referred to as morning bad breath. This case of bad breath is normal since the mouth stagnates and gets dry overnight. However this bad breath will clear away when the flow of saliva is restored, most likely after taking breakfast.

Also drinks, foods or medicines can lead to bad breath; the chemicals in the food can get into the blood streams and will then be breathed out from the person’s lungs. The most commonly know is the smell of garlic or other spicy foods and also alcoholic drinks. This bad breath is temporary as the smell will wear off after some time.

What will also cause bad breath is the deposition of food debris, plaque and also gum diseases. The smell of the already smoked cigarette is in itself bad breath.

It is normal that the more you stimulate less saliva production you are also increasing your chances of having bad breath, additionally when you have periodontal or dental problems you will have bad breath, smoking contributes to a lot of these damages for instance mouth ulcerations or other mouth diseases caused by smoking or deposition of nicotine.

To keep yourself free from bad breath due to smoking, it is advised that you note that cigarettes or cigars contain tar and nicotine that will build up on tongues, teeth or even the cheeks, aside from that it should be noted that smoking irritates the tissues of your mouth, this will tend to dry your mouth as saliva is inhibited, this in turn will increase the growth and build up of bacteria.

If you cannot quit smoking, it is good to observe good oral hygiene to get rid of the bad breath. After smoking it is advisable that you use mouthwashes that will get rid of the bad breath.

Since smoking inhibits saliva production, a smoker should drink plenty of water so that the mouth will not be left dry. A dry mouth is a favorite place for odor-causing bacteria.

A permanent solution to getting rid of bad breath is to totally quit smoking; this cannot be done once thus you should do it step by step. This should however not make you live with the bad breath, there are these solutions: regularly brush your teeth, always clean your tongue, use antiseptic mouth washes and floss your teeth to get rid of the food debris that will decompose and lead to bad breath.

Health Risk : Smoking and Heart Diseases

There are several causes of heart disease and smoking is one of them. And, there are many diseases which can develop from smoking and heart disease is one of them. Cigarette smoking is actually a major cause of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.

Peripheral vascular disease refers to a range of abnormal conditions that affect the veins outside your heart, generally obstructing flow of blood in arteries. Smoking is very famous like a celebrity star, in different ways. In exchange from the pleasure of smoking, your life is the price you pay.

Types Of Heart Diseases

There are several types of heart disease, but the major ones are the atherosclerosis, coronary, rheumatic, congenital, myocarditis, angina, and arrythmia heart disease. Although heart disease can be deadly, it is also preventable.

The most basic and simple ways to prevent heart disease is to exercise regularly, eat heart-healthy diet, maintain healthy weight, avoid smoking, and have regular health screenings. It is never too late for anybody to change lifestyles and practice healthy habits for the betterment ones welfare.

Smoking and heart disease may not come hand in hand because not everyone with heart disease used to smoke, but we can’t ignore the fact that smokers may develop heart disease in a latter time or any other serious disease for that matter.

Chemicals In Tobacco Smoke Are The Main Culprits

Smoking kills more and more people each year and almost 40 % of those who died from smoking die from heart and blood vessel disease. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals in which many of them are poisonous.

Nicotine in tobacco smoke can increase blood pressure causing the heart to work harder. Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in your blood. Smoking adds to the obstruction of the arteries which can lead to heart attack and other heart-related conditions.

And, smokers have greater risk of death from coronary heart disease compare to non-smokers. Aren’t these reasons enough for you to quit smoking? If at earlier time you stop smoking and heart disease is what you want to evade from, then, you must value your life so much.

How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your System

Can nicotine be constituted as a drug? In my opinion, Yes! And that is simply for the reason being that it is a highly addictive substance, one which causes the brain chemicals to react and change making smokers feel drawn to it with out any resistance. Nicotine has a close relation to any other addiction being that it creates good moods and bad ones when smoking or going through a small withdrawal state.

The Process of nicotine and how long it stays in your system:

When the chemicals of nicotine enter your bloodstream, the body is sent into over drive trying to compensate for the damage being done to the body. As this process is taking place the chemical reaction causes a rapid blood flow from the heart, creating a chain reaction in which blood pressure rises and the heart rate increases causing the arteries to tighten and become narrower.

It is known that carbon monoxide in association with smoking and its effect on the body causes a decrease in the oxygen level that is carried to the blood. When all effects of nicotine and this are put together, the body becomes deprived in search of more oxygen supply for both the blood itself and cells in the body.

Once nicotine has entered the body, it is transformed and turned into a substance called cotinine. The time it actually takes for cotinine to rid itself from the body varies and can be a quicker process for those with a high metabolism.

It can usually take several days or up to a week plus for it to clear your system being that you steer clear from smoking including second hand smoking.

Is there a solution?

The obvious answer here is to completely quit smoking! That is in the best interest of your own health and well being. The best possible answer here is to drink plenty of water and or to sweat out the toxins. By doing both you can eliminate or speed up the process of traces of nicotine within your bloodstream

Why Do People Smoke?

Several findings have showed that smoking harms nearly every organ of the human body, causing a wide range of diseases. Despite the knowledge of the health consequences of cigarette smoking, still a tremendous number of people continue to smoke worldwide. Smoking is often described as been the leading avoidable cause of mortality and one of the most important modifiable causes of premature death.

Cigarette manufactures have been required to put warnings on all their packages of cigarettes to tell smokers that cigarette smoking is dangerous to health. But still people smoke. Why do they want to put something into their mouth and suck on it till addictive toxins go inside lungs and do damage? People who smoke claim that cigarettes really have a calming effect when we feel stressed. This is due to nicotine delivered from tobacco by smoking. The very rapid absorption of nicotine (nicotine takes just ten seconds to reach the brain once smoke entered the lungs) and the high blood pressure levels that result, promote rapid and strong behavioral reinforcement from smoking.

The advantages of smoking are immediate and true whereas the disadvantages are delayed and likely. The positive consequences of smoking include reduced irritability, induced relaxation, increased sense of control, sensory stimulation, and maintain group affiliation etc. Nicotine once enter the brain act as a tranquilizer thus makes the smoker experience relax though for few minutes but in fact smoking cause more stress internally. Thinking that smoking reduces stress and makes calm is really a great time waste says Mitchell.

There are many negative consequences. First cigarettes are legal drugs. Smoking is unnecessarily a waste of money. Cigarettes are the most addictive and destructive over-the-counter drug known to man. Cigarette smoking is equivocal to lung cancer. Researches have shown that depression is twice as common to people who smoke against those who do not smoke. Apart from nicotine, tobacco contains cyanide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide, all of which are harmful chemicals and are used as poison.

Health Effects of Smoking

"Smoking-related diseases claim an estimated 438,000 American lives each year, including those affected indirectly, such as babies born prematurely due to prenatal maternal smoking and victims of “secondhand” exposure to tobacco’s carcinogens..."

Let’s take a look at the health effects of smoking i.e. what actually happens inside your body each time you light up. Think about how quickly tobacco smoke can produce harmful effects. The following are some of the health risk of smoking.

Your Eyes, Nose, & Throat

The health effects of smoking can be found on your eyes, nose and throat. Within a few seconds of your first puff, irritating gases such as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and others begin to work on sensitive membranes of your eyes, nose, and throat.

Your eyes water, your nose runs, and your throat is irritated. If you continue smoking, these irritating gases will contribute to your smoker’s cough. Continued smoking produces abnormal thickening in the membranes lining your throat, accompanied by cellular changes that resemble those that occur in throat cancer.


The health effects of smoking are very dangerous with regards to lungs. Continued exposure can entirely paralyze the lungs’ natural cleansing process. (Smoking and Lung Cancer)

  • Your respiratory rate increases, forcing your lungs to work harder.
  • Irritating gases produce chemical injury to the tissues of your lungs. This speeds up the production of mucus and leads to an increased tendency to cough up sputum.
  • Excess mucus serves as a breeding ground for a variety of bacteria and viruses. You become more prone to colds, flu, bronchitis, and other respiratory infections. And if you do come down with an infection, your body is less able to fight it, because smoking impairs the ability of the white blood cells to fight invading organisms.
  • The lining of your bronchi begins to thicken, predisposing you to cancer. Most lung cancers arise in the bronchial lining.
  • Smoke weakens the free-roving scavenger cells that remove foreign particles from the air sacs of the lungs. Continued smoke exposure adversely affects elastin, which is the enzyme that keeps your lungs flexible, predisposing you to emphysema.
  • Many of the compounds you inhale are deposited as a layer of sticky tar on the lining of your throat and bronchi and in the delicate air sacs of your lungs. A pack-a-day smoker pours about a pint - 16 ounces - of tar into his or her lungs each year. This tar is rich in cancer producing chemicals.

Quit Smoking Motivation Tips

"He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality..."
~Anwar Sadat~

Does quit smoking was one of your New Years Resolutions? What motivates you to quit smoking? Nagging by your spouse is rarely a motivation to quit smoking. It takes a lot of resolve to stop smoking habit and it isn’t easy.

You not only miss the effects of the nicotine, but the habit is there and if you’ve smoked for a long time, it’s well fixed in both body and mind. No matter why you have decided to quit smoking, you will probably need help.

Quit Smoking Products

Several products on the market can help you kick the habit. You can pick up at most any drugstore patches, gum, and mints. You may substitute hard candy when the desire to smoke hits you.

If you’re worried about weight gain, try sugarless candy or fresh veggies. It’s important to fill your hands and mouth with something to help you not reach for that cigarette.


Motivation is significant if you want to quit smoking. Your motivation might be a new baby in the home, being pregnant and wanting a healthy baby, early signs of lung cancer (Smoking and Lung Cancer), or the onset of heart disease are all good physical motivational reasons. Maybe you just don’t want to smell like an old ashtray all the time.

Quick Tips to Help You Quit Smoking and Keep It

20 Quick Tips to Help You Quit Smoking
By Fred H. Kelley

1. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can quit. Think about some of the most difficult things you have done in your life and realize that you have the guts and determination to quit smoking. It's up to you.

2. After reading this list, sit down and write your own list, customized to your personality and way of doing things. Create you own plan for quitting.

3. Write down why you want to quit (the benefits of quitting): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you'll get by quitting. Put it on paper and read it daily.

4. Ask your family and friends to support your decision to quit. Ask them to be completely supportive and non-judgmental. Let them know ahead of time that you will probably be irritable and even irrational while you withdraw from your smoking habit.

5. Set a quit date. Decide what day you will extinguish your cigarettes forever. Write it down. Plan for it. Prepare your mind for the "first day of the rest of your life". You might even hold a small ceremony when you smoke you last cigarette, or on the morning of the quit date.

6. Talk with your doctor about quitting. Support and guidance from a physician is a proven way to better your chances to quit.

7. Begin an exercise program. Exercise is simply incompatible with smoking. Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes. If necessary, start slow, with a short walk once or twice per day. Build up to 30 to 40 minutes of rigorous activity, 3 or 4 times per week. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

8. Do some deep breathing each day for 3 to 5 minutes. Breathe in through your nose very slowly, hold the breath for a few seconds, and exhale very slowly through your mouth. Try doing
your breathing with your eyes closed and go to step 9.

9. Visualize your way to becoming a non-smoker. While doing your deep breathing in step 8, you can close your eyes and begin to imagine yourself as a non-smoker. See yourself enjoying your exercise in step 7. See yourself turning down a cigarette that someone offers you. See yourself throwing all your cigarettes away, and winning a gold medal for doing so. Develop your own
creative visualizations. Visualization works.

10. Cut back on cigarettes gradually (if you cut back gradually, be sure to set a quit date on which you WILL quit). Ways to cut back gradually include: plan how many cigarettes you will smoke each day until your quit date, making the number you smoke smaller each day; buy only one pack at a time; change brands so you don't enjoy smoking as much; give your cigarettes to someone else, so that you have to ask for them each time you want to smoke.

11. Quit smoking "cold turkey". Many smokers find that the only way they can truly quit once and for all is to just quit abruptly without trying to slowly taper off. Find the method that works best for you: gradually quitting or cold turkey. If one way doesn't work do the other.

12. Find another smoker who is trying to quit, and help each other with positive words and by lending an ear when quitting becomes difficult. Visit this Bulletin Board and this Chat Room to find a "quit buddy."

13. Have your teeth cleaned. Enjoy the way your teeth look and feel and plan to keep them that way.

14. After you quit, plan to celebrate the milestones in your journey to becoming a non-smoker. After two weeks of being smoke-free, see a movie. After a month, go to a fancy restaurant (be sure to sit in the non-smoking section). After three months, go for a long weekend to a favorite get-away. After six months, buy yourself something frivolous. After a year, have a party for yourself. Invite your family and friends to your "birthday" party and celebrate your new chance at a long, healthy life.

15. Drink lots of water. Water is good for you anyway, and most people don't get enough. It will help flush the nicotine and other chemicals out of your body, plus it can help reduce cravings by fulfilling the "oral desires" that you may have.

16. Learn what triggers your desire for a cigarette, such as stress, the end of a meal, arrival at work, entering a bar, etc. Avoid these triggers or if that's impossible, plan alternative ways to deal with the triggers.

17. Find something to hold in your hand and mouth, to replace cigarettes. Consider drinking straws or you might try an artificial cigarette called E-Z Quit found here:

18. Write yourself an inspirational song or poem about quitting, cigarettes, and what it means to you to quit. Read it daily.

19. Keep a picture of your family or someone very important to you with you at all times. On a piece of paper, write the words "I'm quitting for myself and for you (or "them")". Tape your written message to the picture. Whenever you have the urge to smoke, look at the picture and read the message.

20. Whenever you have a craving for a cigarette, instead of lighting up, write down your feelings or whatever is on your mind. Keep this "journal" with you at all times.

Good luck in your efforts to quit smoking. It's worth it!

What Are the Risks of Cigarette Smoking

There are many risks of smoking and the purpose of this page is to outline the specific risks that are associated with smoking.

Smoking kills over 400,000 people a year -- more than one in six people in the United States -- making it more lethal than AIDS, automobile accidents, homicides, suicides, drug overdoses, and fires combined. It is estimated that the U.S. spends an astounding $50 billion each year on smoking-related health costs. Smoking may be even more dangerous now than 30 years ago, most likely because the lower tar and nicotine levels in most cigarette brands cause people to inhale more deeply. In one study only 42% of male lifelong smokers reached the age of 73 compared to 78% of nonsmokers.

People who are exposed to second-hand or side-stream smoke are also at risk. Smoke that is exhaled not only contains the same dangerous contaminants as inhaled smoke, but the exhaled smoke particles are smaller, so that they can reach distant sites in the lungs of involuntary or passive smokers and do great harm.

Does Smoking Affect Blood Pressure?

Smoking a cigarette raises the blood pressure by 5-10 mm Hg for about 30 minutes. If this is combined with drinking a cup of coffee, the effects are bigger and last longer.

Despite this, numerous epidemiological studies have found that people with hypertension are not more likely to be smokers than those with normal blood pressure, and conversely, that smokers are not more likely to be hypertensive than non-smokers. One possible explanation for this might be that smokers tend to weigh less than non-smokers, and that the effects of obesity and smoking on blood pressure cancel each other out. But even when smokers and non-smokers of the same body weight are compared their blood pressures are the same. This is probably because the blood pressure measurements are usually made when people are not smoking. If you smoke a pack a day, it will raise your average daytime pressure by about 5 mm Hg, even though your doctor may not detect this during an office visit.

The important thing about smoking is not what it does to your blood pressure, but that it greatly increases your risk of heart disease.

WHO - Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability that any single disease

According to their figures, it is responsible for approximately 3.5 million deaths worldwide every year - or about 7% of all deaths. Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on world health is not fully assessed.

Heart attack and stroke

UK studies show that smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers. Tobacco contributes to the hardening of the arteries, which can then become blocked and starve the heart of bloodflow, causing the attack. Often, smokers who develop this will require complex and risky heart bypass surgery. If you smoke for a lifetime, there is a 50% chance that your eventual death will be smoking-related - half of all these deaths will be in middle age. Smoking also increases the risk of having a stroke.

Lung problems

Another primary health risk associated with smoking are lung cancer, which kills more than 20,000 people in the UK every year. US studies have shown that men who smoke increase their chances of dying from the disease by more than 22 times. Women who smoke increase this risk by nearly 12 times. Lung cancer is a difficult cancer to treat - long term survival rates are poor. Smoking also increases the risk of oral, uterine, liver, kidney, bladder, stomach, and cervical cancers, and leukaemia. Another health problem associated with tobacco is emphysema, which, when combined with chronic bronchitis, produces chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The lung damage which causes emphysema is irreversible, and makes it extremely difficult to breathe.

Harm to children

Smoking in pregnancy greatly increases the risk of miscarriage, is associated with lower birthweight babies, and inhibited child development. Smoking by parents following the birth is linked to sudden infant death syndrome, or cot death, and higher rates of infant respiratory illness, such as bronchitis, colds, and pneumonia. Nicotine, an ingredient of tobacco, is listed as an addictive substance by the US authorities. Although the health risks of smoking are culmulative, giving up can yield health benefits regardless of the age of the patient, or the length of time they have been smoking.

Future impact

By 2020, the WHO expects the worldwide death toll to reach 10 million, causing 17.7% of all deaths in developed countries. There are believed to be 1.1 billion smokers in the world, 800,000 of them in developing countries.

Quit smoking - Why and How?

They're raising taxes on tobacco again, this time to cover for even more administrative follies that smokers did not cause. And at the same time, smoking is still becoming more of a target of political correctness! How can both things be true? Because nobody ever said it had to make sense.

Most smokers agree; it would have been better not to start, than to feel helpless and want to quit smoking. Unfortunately, moderation is not an option for most people. Once the subconscious gets a taste of that nicotine rush and makes it a clear habit, it wants it all the time. Then you are not the boss any more. Some people can smoke occasionally, but those folks, like their smokes, are few and far between. Yes, it is a good time to get rid of the habit. It will be better to get your jollies from something else anyhow, such as accomplishment, making money, reading or artwork, for example. That way you won't have to gamble on poor circulation or respiratory problems from the smoke, either. And everything will be cleaner.

Face it - however painful, becoming free from cigarettes is an attractive thing. You can be relaxed anywhere, not merely 'waiting' for the next opportunity to smoke. And the money! Taxes have made the cost of tobacco completely ridiculous. So, say you have decided to quit, and the only problem is the difficulty and how to go about stopping.

The answer is right there in that last sentence: Decided! We are talking 100%, no ifs and or BUTTS decided. You can handle a few days of the heebie-jeebies with a little help from some clever tools. Not the patch, or the gum, mind you, those are just more nicotine to prolong the agony. You want to be free from all of that stuff. Be aware, though, your subconscious is going to try to trick you, and it is very good at it.

Guess what? You can trick it right back, using subliminal and/or hypnosis audio. The subconscious is ALWAYS listening! And those things are very inexpensive, maybe the price of only two packs of cigarettes or so. But you have to be determined and actually use them. You can get a subliminal .mp3 download or hypnosis from anywhere. You can play the silent subliminal one anywhere with anything else going on, and it will help.

Cold turkey, while not the "easiest," is by far the best and most effective way to stop smoking cigarettes. As if there was an easy way. For some people it's the only way, but since we are all so different, for some people cold turkey is not even an option. The cravings are just too overwhelming, and the will power beats the won't power. So just know yourself and decide. Decide at the deepest level possible, the unconscious mind. It is easy to say it, and 'decide' at the conscious level, but convincing the deeper self is another story. But you can do it. Lots of people prove this all the time. If yours is a tough nut to crack, you'll need stronger crutches. But just don't give up on giving it up; be strong, and decide your way to freedom!

By : Dave Asprooth (

Yes, You Can Quit Smoking Easily

A question that most smokers who are considering quitting smoking ask is "What is the best way to quit smoking?" or if there are more than one ways "What are the best ways to quit smoking?" There are several ways and several techniques out there that can help you quit smoking. Different people will have different preferences, so the answer to the above question will be different for different people.

To start with, you have to put everything in proper perspective. You need to analyze the situation seriously. So, sit down somewhere and write down the situations where you like to smoke best. I am sure you know these situations very well because usually these are the same for most people. It is usually when you are having a good time with friends or colleagues or when you are stressed out. Once you identify those situations, you need to think of a solution for how you want to deal with that situation. Try to remove or avoid everything that reminds you of smoking.

Next, think about and decide the day you will stop. It can be immediately or after some time when a more favorable or important moment comes. A word of warning, don't use this as an excuse to procrastinate.

Let people know that you are going to quit. Give them the impression that you are taking this as a challenge. Then take it as a challenge. The social admiration might possibly be the reason for never going back to smoking.

Watch over your eating and drinking habits. Drink lots of water, and eat lots of fresh fruits. Avoid excessive tea and coffee.

Make sure you get enough physical relaxation and also balance it with physical exercise like walking or swimming.

Give an incentive to yourself. Keep a goal and reward yourself when you achieve that goal. The goal can be no smoking for 3 weeks and don't reward yourself with a cigarette after that period. Instead, you can treat yourself with a trip to your favorite restaurant and give yourself something like CD or cloths.

Try to stop immediately instead of gradually as that will never happen. If you fail, don't give up. Instead analyze the situation, find out the when, where and how and try to avoid that next time.

One of the biggest problems that you will face after you decide to quit smoking is what the professionals call withdrawal symptoms. You will get strong desire to smoke. You need to be strong against that desire. Don't worry, this desire will not stay forever, it will go after a while. Try to distract yourself with something interesting while it lasts.

Stop Smoking To Save Lots of Money

In the last year the cost of living has gone up tremendously. In our area electricity, water and food all cost more than one year ago. And if gas prices rise to where they were last summer, it will hurt our budget even more.
So if you, like our family, are trying to find ways to reduce spending, here is one way you could save thousands of dollars each year: stop smoking.

If you are trying to quit smoking it is often necessary to really look at your overall budget to get a real reason to quit. Simply trying to stop smoking for your health sometimes is just not enough. You need to really open your eyes at times to see how much smoking really is costing you each year that you smoke. Additionally, this can also be impacted if you require a great amount of health care due to smoking related complications. However, at a minimum the costs that you can count on for certain will include the costs of the cigarettes themselves.

If you have ever stopped to think about how much you are spending a week on cigarettes you have surely noticed that it is a rather significant amount. Prices are climbing higher than ever before, and this is largely due to the fact that many states as well as the federal government are imposing extremely costly taxes on cigarettes to help offset many of the increased health problems that are created.

On average, all around the country cigarettes can cost as much as $5 per pack. If you have a habit of smoking that consists of only a single pack per day, you are smoking seven packs in a single week. This might not seem like much, but if you consider that each week, you are spending $35 on cigarettes, it can add up quickly. In a single week if each pack costs $5 you will have spent as much as $35 on your cigarettes! For many people this is a tank of gas, a trip to a movie theater, or even a new outfit if you know how to shop right. You could even put the money in a savings account and start to find how your money could actually grow, rather than be burned.

As much as the idea of $35 might seem like a lot of money, to many people it is just a minor price to pay for something that they thoroughly enjoy. If we consider that the average month has 30 days, and each day you are smoking a $5 pack of cigarettes the monthly price will jump up to approximately $150. This is a rather substantial amount and could easily cover most people’s gas bills, power bills, water bill, phone bill or even a great night out on the town occasionally. If you really want to see the overall impact of smoking each year, consider that each year you are smoking 365 packs of cigarettes. This multiplied by 20 comes up to 7,300 cigarettes each year, which comes up to an astonishing $1,825 dollars each year! Talk about a huge amount of money spent on smoking.

Remember, though, this is just the price of a single pack a day habit, and it is assuming that you are paying only $5 per pack. Many states have higher prices, while others are a bit cheaper. If you actually smoke more than a single pack a day, you would be looking at $3,650 a year for a two pack a day smoking habit as well as 14,600 cigarettes each year that you smoke!

The sheer price of cigarettes when added up in a single year is horrific. If you consider that you would probably be smoking for a period of 5 years you are looking at a total cost of $9,125 for a single pack a day habit and a striking $18,250 for a two pack a day habit. The amount of money that can be saved by not purchasing cigarettes is absolutely enormous.

If the idea of just improving your health is not enough to get you to quit smoking, you may have a sudden desire to quit after you see exactly what it is costing you each year to smoke. The prices of cigarettes are continuing to rise, and this combined with increased living expenses makes it extremely hard for families to make ends meet.

Saving money any way possible is a huge help, and even the expense of pricey stop smoking aids is significantly cheaper than the cost of actually continuing to smoke.

Best Way To Quit Smoking

Are There More Effective Ways To Quit Smoking?

Folks, do not expect instant results and outstanding knowledge on best ways to quit smoking after reading this article. We are not going to provide the utmost truth related to any kind of methods. We are going to analyze and try to reflect the various aspects of what can you really expect from those who tell you that the only secret that can help you get rid of any addiction, especially smoking, is hidden behind your 27$ e-book. Do not believe them. Sure we are going to write somethings about how to quite smoking and what to expect.

As mentioned a few times before, in our previous articles (see best way to quit smoking and best way to stop smoking) we do agree that some methods can be really effective for some people but when generally talking you guys must admit and understand the fact that we are all personalities and it is quite smoking hard lol to be able to apply the same techniques to masses when it comes to issues like how to quit smoking and stuff like that. Change your way of thinking folks. Do it now until it is too late. What to expect when you quit smoking has also been a pretty researched question by most of the newbie want-to-quit-today smokers. Fellows, the best ways to quit smoking aren't a mystery and no one is trying to hide it from you. On the other hand you must understand that so far, proven by science and all the related disciplines, in most of the cases and examples those natural ways to quit smoking have been accepted to be included in the category of best ways to quit smoking. It is what it is and you can run but you can't hide. If the product you are promoting isn't close to those naturals and free ways of doing it, guess what, you are not in the crew what happens when you quite smoking.

One of the most debated topics nowadays on the whole quit smoking now scene is by far hypnosis smoking stop and hypnotherapy to quit smoking. People have achieved marvelous results using these methods and many of them are still looking for continuing to practice these kind of techniques and are always looking for methods and ways to improve their free stop smoking hypnosis skills. It is necessary to mention once more that we are not looking for ways to tell you guys lies and promote any of those methods, we are just trying to make some honest reviews on them and by showing you the results to try and make you understand the difference of a false "I want to quit smoking right now forever" attitude and the mindset you are going to need like water every day that is more like "there is nothing that can stop me to quit smoking once and for all" that you have to say to yourself each day in front of your mirror. We told you before and are probably going to repeat this once more because it is very important for you to understand the real aspects of different kind of requirements that a determined how to quit smoking attitude has to be in order to achieve at least some kind of results, if not total victory and the defeat of smoking, it's annihilation hwat are the side effects when you quite smoking.

Even since ancient times people have been struggling to achieve the desired results using mind control techniques and have made up some really good hypnotic techniques that work fine as long as you have the necessary confidence and will to do it right when it comes to how to hypnotize someone to quit smoking. We clearly understand the fact that we all leanr from trial and eerror but this doesn't mean that it is compulsory to learn from your own quit smoking mistakes as long as there are hundred of thousands and maybe millions of testimonials and forums and debate centers and letters and articles and giving up smoking side effects everything you can ever expect to deal with and get the necessary knowledge when it comes to quit smoking issues and how to overcome smoking addictions and the use of different substances, one of which is tobacco how to stop smoking.

Let's talk a little about laser treatment. These quit smoking laser Las Vegas treatments see a lot of discussion about their effectiveness, both for and against. If you're considering using a stop smoking laser treatment, you should learn about them before you spend your money, and make the decision for yourself.

Hypnotism has been considered and still that natural method of quitting smoking or chewing tobacco or call whatever you like that gives a lot of beneficial results to those patients who are prepared to accept it and do it for the sake of doing it in a good manner when it comes to problems of life and death and nothing can stop them from being near their family again. It is stupid people to pay the price of your family for just some weakness you got there - to smoke when you are anxious or the smoke habit when you are a little bit nervous. All these manifestations of your desires have to be destroyed in a way or another because unless you personally do something about it none will come and help you do it until you pay them a lot, but even then only a few people are interested in doing what they have to do and usually then just want to sell you another best ways to quit smoking e-book that is rather worthless as you understood and learned from all our previous posts and articles. Is there something you can do to find out what happens to someone when quitting smoking or there maybe another option, who knows, let's explore and see how to quite smoking.

Well in case you are visiting regularly this blog about how to quit smoking you should already know the difference between natural ways to quit smoking and the chemistry products that are promoted world wide as really effective stuff that in fact is not so true. People are doing it because in this fast food nation worldwide you are seen as a robot who doesn't have the right to care about his health all you need is work and money and manipulation but those companies who are interested that you buy their cigarettes and therefore, afterward look for expensive nicotine patches and pills to help you quit smoking this time for good or as most of the people prefer to say once and for all. This is it people, it is what it is and in case you haven't noticed yet we are not promoting any of those, we are just doing it for the how to quite smoking for beginners sake of the health of each and everyone one of you and our biggest concern now is to teach you how to properly how to quit smoking and teach you that you need commitments in order to do that and nothing more. As long as you have the necessary desire to succeed you are going to do it the good way and not the bad way and the wrong way better said by looking for those unreal best ways to quit smoking right now and do it without any pain, suffering, sweat, etc.

We can also mention laser to quit smoking Las Vegas Nevada.

Ok guys so far so good it seems you are starting to feel the pulse and the bounce rate of those methods to quit smoking that we are talking about in these articles. When it comes to variation of the quit smoking subject you have to understand that the broader knowledge you have on this topic, the better. It is very important to learn all the possible variations and most of the smoking management issue if you want to help yourself and do quit smoking and in such a way improve your karma and be sure that God will help you help others quit smoking in a small period of time.

Remember folks, it's all about cause and effect in this life and the same laws can be easily applied when it comes to stuff like how to quit smoking or best ways to quit smoking. Good to go for today, enjoy yourself and find reasons to be happy in life after you definitely quit smoking and do it for the sake of world peace and your health of course. Don't you think it's time to change your life?

Excellent Tips For Gaining Freedom From Nicotine

1. Quitting smoking is not as hard as you think. Once you begin to be honest with yourself and to look at the facts about smoking, it will become a pleasure to remove this addiction from your life.

2. Square off with your smoking habit. Look at it and size it up. Ask yourself exactly what it is doing for you; then ask yourself what it is not doing for you. You can begin with your hair and work your way down to the tips of your toes. It is a medical fact that smoking affects every organ in the human body in a harmful way.

3. Look at quitting cigarettes as giving yourself a gift-a very big gift. You are giving yourself a better quality of life and, very possibly, a longer life. You are giving yourself a healthier body. You are giving yourself more self-esteem. Wrap all this in a package and look at it for the gift it really is, then "Go for it!"

4. Set a date. Make a commitment. Give it a try. Remember, it is alright if you don't succeed at first. Just keep trying. The only way you can lose is by ceasing to try.

5. Don't look at it as if you are giving up something. This makes it seem too much like a loss. What you are really doing is tossing something out of your life that has done you harm and doesn't belong here anymore. You are throwing away pure garbage. No longer are you going to allow your lungs to be a resting place for nicotine and tars.

6. Always keep a positive attitude. After all, this is one of the most positive things you've ever done. Stay away from negative people and worrisome situations.

7. Quit for yourself. Even though your family and loved ones will benefit tremendously from your quitting, it is you that will benefit most.

8. Treat giving up smoking with the respect it rightly deserves. Become willing to go to any lengths to remove it from your life. If you are not willing, try praying for the willingness. This usually works.

9. Look up the word 'nicotine' in your dictionary and write down the definition in big letters: "A poisonous alkaloid used as an insecticide.' Put it where you can see it.

10. Don't say "I'll take my chances' and continue to smoke. They are not ours to take. We didn't give ourselves life and we don't have the right to "take our chances" on giving it away. That is up to God.

11. Don't fool yourself by saying you have too many pressures in your life right now to give up cigarettes. If you are smoking, this in itself is a very great pressure. Every day is a gamble and your life is at stake. By getting nicotine out of your life, other things will become easier to handle. You will feel better about yourself and you will have more energy. You will have accomplished something more meaningful than all the money and material objects you could ever acquire. You will have given yourself what no one else could give you. You will no longer have the pressures of being a smoker.
12. Don't use the excuse that you might gain weight to justify your continuing to smoke. Even if you do gain a little, the fact that you will be more active and will get more exercise should counteract any weight gain. Remember, overeating, not stopping smoking, causes weight gain.

13. Plan to do things that will keep your mind off smoking. Sometimes our minds can be our worst enemies. They will tell us that we need a cigarette for just about any reason that is handy at the time. By doing things like going to the movies in the non-smoking section, munching on corn or sucking on a lollipop, we can keep our minds occupied and get a break. Go to museums and other places where smoking isn't allowed. Swimming is a good idea, too.

14. Quit smoking one day at a time and think only about the part of the day you are in. "I am not going to smoke before noon." "I am not going to smoke before three o'clock." Sometimes just do it one hour at a time. This is a lot easier than trying to quit forever.

15. Don't subject yourself to smoky situations. If you do come in contact with someone who is smoking, just say to yourself "He is having the cigarette I might be having"; then, be grateful you don't have to have it.

16. While you are quitting. Look at it as an investment. Once you have quit for one hour, you have invested this hour in becoming a healthier person. Now, invest one more hour. Continue to add to your investment hour by hour. It will grow and become more valuable as the hours go by. You will begin to see and feel the rewards from this investment more and more. Protect and guard it just as you would a treasure.

17. Start being kind to yourself, It is the beginning of a new way of life for you and you are the most important one there. Treat yourself with respect and love and, remember, you are no longer filling your system with poison every few minutes. Breathe the clean air and breathe it deeply. Smell the different and wonderful fragrances. Begin to spend time outdoors close to nature. Many new sensations await you.

18. Don't get too angry. If we are angry, our minds tell us we need a cigarette to cope. Until your mind learns that it doesn't need a cigarette to cope, try to avoid situations that might be setting you up. Avoid certain people that may bother you. If there is a lot of tension at work, try to get a few days off. If you can't get some time off, quit smoking on a long weekend. Avoid, as best you can, things like getting stuck in traffic. Use a lot of caution. Anger can be very destructive.

19. Don't get too hungry. It is amazing how our minds will tell us that everything's wrong when all we really need to do is eat.

20. Don't get too tired. If we are tired, it is easy to become irritated and when we get irritated our minds will tell us that a cigarette will help. Our overall resistance becomes weak and it is easy to say, "Oh well, I guess I'll smoke."

21. Don't get too lonely. It is good to know some people who are going through the same thing. By going to Nicotine Anonymous meetings you can get phone numbers of such people.

22. You can remember these four things by the word "HALT." Hungry, angry, lonely, tired. If you feel you need a cigarette, check. Make sure you are not experiencing any of these.

23. Don't get too bored. It is hard to just sit and not smoke. Keep busy. Find things to do that you enjoy. Bike riding, hiking, swimming, exploring new places, trying new restaurants. This is the time to indulge yourself.

24. Have something to fidget with. We are accustomed to holding a cigarette; being without one might leave our hands at a loss. Get a small rubber ball or a yo-yo. Play dough is good also, or a piece of clay.

25. Have something handy to put in your mouth. Life Savers are good, or any slowly dissolving candy. Beef jerky and lollipops help, too. Avoid fattening foods like cookies. They don't last long and they fill you up. Experiment while you are still smoking to see what will relieve the craving. If Life Savers work, then stock up. Just a note of caution: don't use this type of substitute on a long-term basis.

26. If you always have a cigarette with a cup of coffee, stop drinking coffee before you quit smoking.

27. Don't drink alcohol while you are quitting. Once alcohol is in your system your defenses will diminish greatly.

28. Remember that the discomfort you experience in the first 2 weeks will definitely come to an end and you will never have to go through it again.

29. Frequently give yourself a pat on the back. What you are doing isn't easy by any means. It takes a lot of guts to try to quit smoking.

30. If you are feeling pain from withdrawal, let it become a lasting memory to serve as a reminder of exactly how strong the drug nicotine is and how hooked you really are.

31. Remember, every minute you were sucking on cigarettes they were sucking on you. They were sucking the very life out of you. Don't let them have any more.

32. Avoid the self-pity trap. If we begin to feel sorry for ourselves, our minds will tell us that we deserve a cigarette to make us feel better.

33. Remember, if you just keep trying, you will win. It is good against evil and the odds are stacked in your favor.

34. Before quitting, plan your activities for the first few days after you quit. This way you won't have to make too many decisions while you are withdrawing. At first, making decisions may be hard without a cigarette.

35. If you are not going to quit right away, then start cutting down. If you smoke 2 packs a day and you cut back 1 cigarette a day for a month, you will be down to just 10 cigarettes a day. Some people, however, have found cutting back to be almost as hard as quitting.

36. Drink lots of liquids to help flush the poison out of your system. Orange juice is good because smoking depletes the vitamin C content in our bodies.

37. Remember, it is the first cigarette that gets you started. It takes only one. This is the one you don't have. You can always put off lighting that first one for a little while. Don't fool yourself and think you can start and stop at will. You can't. Many people have tried this and gone on to live the rest of their lives never to experience freedom from nicotine again.

38. Frequently remind yourself about the differences you have noticed in yourself. Things like: Your breath no longer smells like a dirty ashtray. Your teeth are beginning to lose their yellow color and look bright and clean. Your fingers aren't stained from tobacco. That sickly sounding smoker's cough is disappearing. Your senses of smell and taste are returning. Your complexion is beginning to Improve. Your general attitude about yourself is better because you are beginning to really care about yourself.

39. Give it away. Whenever you have a chance to give your experience, strength and hope to another smoker, use it. This act of giving will insure your chances for staying off nicotine and give strength to your program. There is much reward in helping someone else to gain freedom from this harmful substance.

40. Have a follow-up program. Don't assume it is over because you have made it through a couple of weeks. Nicotine is very cunning. Continue to attend Nicotine Anonymous meetings. If there are no meetings in your area, help to get one started. It is very simple. All you need are a place to meet and a few interested people.

41. When you want to smoke, read this list of tips.

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Why Quit Smoking - Some Hidden Benefits

Looking to gain the biggest benefits that you can out of your goal to quit smoking is not insane, rather it is a good idea. Knowing exactly what is in store for you as you attempt to quit will help to keep you encouraged, plus it can be a great reminder about exactly why you set out on the adventure of stopping smoking when the going gets tough.

Making sure that you are most benefit possible is not only a wise idea, but it can also serve a huge benefit of ensuring that you take full advantage of the improvement in your lifestyle. One of the biggest benefits comes in your health. You can decrease your risk of lung cancer, heart disease, heart attack, stroke and even high blood pressure to name just a few of the health problems that are experienced by smokers.

While the time that it takes to decrease the risks vary, you should start to see an improvement in your health very quickly. This can be highly encouraging since you will be able to breathe better as you workout to stay in great physical health.

Money is another fabulous reason to quit smoking. With the average cost of smoking up to over $1,800 a year for a single pack a day habit, you are looking at a lot of money just burned away.
Keeping the money in your pocket can do a lot for your budget. It could even mean the difference between being able to buy that incredible sports car that you have had your eye on.

You might even decide to drop the money into a savings account and really get the maximum benefit, regardless of your choice you are going to be happy to hang onto the money, rather than burn it up.
Other benefits can include being able to keep your house, car and clothes smelling better. Everyone knows that cigarettes have a bad smell, and those who do not smoke can really pick up the smell.
As your desire to smoke goes away, your desire to smell good will increase. This can lead to a complete top to bottom cleaning that will put you in a great mood.

If you quit smoking in the spring you could just consider it your yearly spring cleaning spurt. You will definitely love the increased sense of smell though, after all those gorgeous flowers in the yard will now have a reason to exist beyond just looking pretty. The ultimate benefit that you will experience is your expected life span will be increased. What is better than finding the fountain of youth?

Just by stop smoking, you can significantly increase the amount of time that you are expected to live. This combined with the health benefits that quitting smoking offers you could find that you are looking at adding as much as 10 years onto your life. This is something that is absolutely huge, and just by quitting smoking as well.
Most who discover just how much they can add to their life are absolutely shocked, but taking care of yourself and quitting smoking for good is a great benefit that you will certainly appreciate when you are older and enjoying those added years.

Do not be afraid to live your life to the fullest, after you quit smoking you will have plenty of energy for a lot of great new activities that you can enjoy for years.

The Law of Addiction - Info

Smokers are often furious with me because they believe I caused them to go back to smoking. Why do they think this? Well, I have this nasty habit of making a really big deal any time a clinic participant takes one puff or maybe just a few cigarettes. The smoker feels I am so persuasive in my arguments that he has no choice but to have a full-fledged relapse. In his opinion, I forced him back to the life-time dependency which will impair his health and may eventually cost him his life. He is convinced that if I had not made such a major issue out of the incident, he would just have smoked that one time and would never have done it again. How can I sleep each night knowing what I have done?

I sleep quite well, thank you. For, you see, I am not responsible for these people's relapses to cigarettes. They can take full credit for becoming smokers again. They relapsed because they broke the one major law of nicotine addiction - they took a puff. This is not my law. I am not setting myself up to be judge, jury, and executioner. The law of physiological addiction states that administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of the dependence on that substance. I didn't write that law. I don't execute that law. My job is much simpler than that. All I do is interpret the law. This means, by taking a puff, the smoker either goes back to full-fledged smoking or goes through the withdrawal process associated with quitting. Most don't opt for the withdrawal.

Every clinic has a number of participants who have quit in the past for one year or longer. In fact, I had one clinic participant who had stopped for a period of 24 years before he relapsed. He never heard that such a law existed, that even after 24 years, the ex-smoker is not totally freed from his imprisonment of addiction. He didn't understand that the day he tossed his "last" cigarette, he was placed "on probation" for the rest of his life. But ignorance of the law is not excusable - not the way the laws of a physiological nature are written. By the American standards of justice, this seems to be cruel and unusual punishment. But this is the way things are.

Maybe instead of going to a smoking clinic, a recently relapsed person should contact his attorney to plead his case of why he should be able to have an occasional cigarette when he desires. Maybe he can cheat just once, get a sympathetic jury, be judged innocent, and walk out of the courtroom a free and independent person. Surely, in pleading his case before twelve impartial people, he will probably have no problem convincing them that he is innocent of any wrong doing. And, as he happily walks out of court a free and independent person, he will probably have an uncontrollable urge and then light a cigarette.

Don't look for loop-holes in the law of addiction. You will be convicting yourself back to smoking. While it may seem harsh and unfair, to many, smoking is a crime punishable by death. Don't try to cheat the system - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

Quit Smoking Calculator Honest Review

A quit smoking calculator is basically a software that let's you track results and realize how much money you spend on nicotine or how many hours of your life you give away when inhaling an x number of cigarettes. This is interesting and I would like to talk about quit smoking calculator today as this is an interesting feature that many websites offer and we would like to provide more information and make some things clear if possible. However, it is well known that people usually don't take action even after searching a quit smoking calculator on a website and visualizing some results about their smoking life time activity. Well, what can we do about it. It is the human nature and we are too ignorant to consider new offers and make things really happen. This is not true only for those that can act fast and don't really fall in the trap of the quit smoking market. On our quit smoking news site we are looking to publish the latest industry news and in the future we are going to review the well known quitting programs. So stay tuned because more interesting information is coming up. You can also call your friends and family - all those heavy smokers. Still considering our how to quit smoking methods ineffective? Read further.

There is definitely more to say about the quit smoking calculator. Unfortunately, we might praise ourselves a little bit that we do okay with writing long ramblings and very informative post on quitting smoking and the secondary effects of quit smoking medication but we do not have the necessary knowledge (yet) in programming and web design (as you can already probably notice from the poor ugly template of this blog. We are trying to help people quit smoking and we are not interested in fancy lookouts. It is what it is - if you understand please accept it if you don't please leave a kind comment and feedback and take your future voyage in the world of internet quit smoking programs. Please take a close look and observe that we are very attentive and publish each and every comment because we understand that our readers have the right to see things in their way. We receive good comments, bad comments but generally people praise us for the work that we are doing her and for our zen like quit smoking methods.

The idea to write a post about quit smoking calculator came in our mind the moment we realized that this a good way to reach more people and help more smokers out there kick the habit. With that in mind we started to query our big search engine with the quotes term "quit smoking calculator" in order to get some good websites and see if people are really willing to promote that kind of method and to see if it really works. In other words, we would like to introduce you to a revolutionary vision on realizing how bad is smoking for your health and for you to see that it requires not only knowledge and information for someone to start his smoking cessation campaign but also making a commitment and following it till the end is crucial. This is the main benefit that a quit smoking calculator can offer you after all. If you disagree please write us an email or ask some questions in the comments and we will be more then happy to answer you all.

If you ever stumbled upon hypnotherapy as a method to quit smoking then you might probably see that it has a very interesting approach towards the psychological aspect of making the patient realize what is really happening to him. The quit smoking calculator is in some cases as a tool to open the eyes of many and make they feel the real danger behind smoking. A few months ago when we just launched this blog we had a huge banner with "every eight seconds someone dies from tobacco". We did this on purpose and analyzed the bounce rate of people that really have a need and would like to find out more tips to help them quit smoking. We noticed that people got scared and run away and that is basically because everything that is being done is being done with the purpose in mind of every method being humble and treating them as patients. Our zen like quit smoking approach verbally beats people and make them ignorant and a little bit naive and so forth and so on. This is how we work, this is our method.

We also published some articles that were hard to read on this blog as also and experiment and we came up with the idea that it doesn't have any effect. Smokers are extremely nervous and they are looking for someone to talk to them kindly and not to irritate them. Everyone that visited the website and read the uninteresting article felt bad and left in a matter of five seconds and there is no mystery why. It is just because they feel so suspicious that they are heading the wrong way and in the subconscious someone is telling them to take another cigarette, light it up and inhale the smoke. This is alright - it just works this way. There are many natural ways to stop smoking out there but we are tying to show people the one that we used to overcome nicotine addiction and that one was making an iron will and a proper commitment that takes the words at a totally another level. It is just a matter of time till people start to realize that no quit smoking prescription is going to help them achieve the same level of understanding and results as a good proper decision can help them. All we can do is wait for the world to change and still work in the meantime, after all, it is all about the money results in the quit smoking calculator.

For all those who tried acupuncture to quit smoking after realizing that they are spending more then 40% of their monthly income on cigarettes and on the quitting smoking industry products we have a good offer. Please listen carefully. There is no best method or trick or report or hypnotism method to save you from smoking daily. It's about our will, it's about your own decisions and it's about things that work fine. We are not trying to impose any ideas as being correct or wrong we are just trying to show you something that works and something that people should really consider from time to time. It just has to be so and we are now trying to make it happen.

So, is a quit smoking calculator a good way to make you realize that there is basically nothing wrong with your life. Yes, it is. In fact, it might give you enough data for you to realize that if you are really working hard to make that money so that you might understand that each time someone is telling you something you must go and ask them for their opinion. It is simple as that. There are no best ways to quit smoking, most of the things that happen to you in life are the results of your own actions. For example we are going to use one of our previous posts that digged a lot of comments from our users and regular readers. It is called giving up smoking side effects and it rocked away everyone with the information provided there.

So are we joking? Not at all. Do you feel that it's time to change something in your life? Yes you probably do. Do you have the necessary will to start and make the first step? Probably not. Well then, our blog is not just a simple quit smoking blog. It is a different zen link approach towards getting rid of nicotine dependence and it works as far as we remember. It really does, and people are proud and people are having good results and people are going to live a smokeless life from now on. You have nothing to lose even if you are a beginner. Make the first step. Try it out. Quit smoking now! Break this habit. Change your life.

If a quit smoking calculator can help you do this then give it a try. It really worth the deal, it really does.

7 Stop Smoking Tips For Quitting

Have you been feeling like you are fighting an impossible cause with your attempt to quit smoking? Have you been feeling like you have attempted quitting for too long and are annoyed due to your defeat? Do you find it encouraging to grasp that you aren't the sole smoker who did not stop smoking? Or maybe you find comfort in the fact that many smokers take multiple undertakings before ultimately conquering the smoking fixation?

It is understandable for you to feel that way, as a number of folks who try to stop smoking share that same feeling. However, it's better to view these disappoints not as a admonition that you can't stop, but rather as an ordinary part of the road towards a cigarette-free way of living.

The nicotine in your blood stream will not let you just quit. It takes hold of you with continual longings til you eventually throw in the towel and pick up yet another smoke.

Those who smoke constant fight day by day with their longings for more nicotine. It is a material that once in the body has a very tough time letting go.

Folk who have smoked for only two months can still discover quitting smoking to be terribly hard. People who have smoked for a number of years, the postulate of giving up smoking is two fold.

Becoming entirely smokeless can constantly take several months. In the strenuous adventure to becoming smoke-free, it is important that you retain this mantra in your head : Nothing is really unlikely, you can do it! And to help further in your journey, these are a number of easy and effectual techniques to stop smoking.

Really deep breathing is the biggest straightforward strategy you may use to help begin giving up smoking. Try and do these steps 3 times whenever you are feeling the desire to pick up a cigarette.

Breathe in the deepest lung-full of air you can and slowly exhale, pursing your lips so that air comes out slowly. As you let out air, shut your eyes and slowly let your jaw lower onto your chest.

In the initial few days, drink plenty of water to slowly flush out the nicotine and other chemicals out of your system. Stay away from alcohol, sugar, and coffee, as each of these have an inclination to excite the desire to light up a cigarette.

Keep the intake of greasy foods to little amounts as the body's metabolism could slow down a bit with no nicotine. A little dieting restraint is necessary.

There are plenty of oral replacements available in the market at this time. You can use cinnamon sticks, dental gum, or man-made cigarettes as a replacement.

These things make it simpler for people to get over the requirement of popping a gasper into the mouth. Probably by the 1st week of being a non-smoker, you may discover that you will not have any use for oral replacements any more.

Perspiring helps flush out nicotine thru your sweat. Also, if you notice yourself getting more and more fit each time you work out, possibilities are you'll feel more reluctant to light a stick knowing pretty well what it can do to you.

Encircle yourself with encouraging folks. Ask for support from folk who matter to you. Your family, pals, even trusted work-mates. It helps to have people who care for you encourage you to keep going.

Smokers also have developed habits or rituals that surround their smoking habit. These may include meeting buddies at the job during smoke breaks or going to a favourite bar to smoke and enjoy a beer.

When you are eventually in a disposition to stop smoking your trigger spots will remain there. It's important for someone who is making an attempt to stop smoking to include other changes into their lives.

For an example, if you usually meet for a smoking break two times each day it could be helpful to use that occasion to go for a walk. Through monitoring of your environment and adjusting your methods it is conceivable for you to stop smoking whatever smoking level you were at.

Stopping smoking may take a divergent period for each person and there's not one correct or specific stop smoking program that will make sure of success. Should you are aware of your triggers and are free to evade them when compulsory, you will have an improved likelihood of giving up smoking and succeeding.

The desire for nicotine can continue for years following your success at quitting smoking, so don't be shocked when you crave a cigarette awhile after you stop smoking. Just consider your own health and the health of those around you, and that alone should be inducement enough to get you to start taking cigarettes seriously.

Cigarette Substitutes Tips

Smoking is an elaborate ritual, involving more than just a "nicotine fix." Smoking involves all the senses, including touch and taste. Holding a cigarette, putting it in your mouth, puffing it deliberately--all these actions  become a part of the ritual--and the habit. 

So quitting smoking really means more than just quitting nicotine. You must quit all of the ritual. Doesn't it make sense that by substituting something for your cigarette, you might make the transition to non-smoker a little easier? If you really like holding something in your hand, or making the hand to mouth motion, or having something in your mouth, then replacing your cigarettes with a cigarette substitute may be just the support you need to quit without feeling completely crazy!

The cigarette substitutes below are designed to aid your transformation from smoker to non-smoker. Quitting cold-turkey doesn't mean you have to stop doing everything that smoking involves. Click one or more of these cigarette substitutes and quit smoking in your own way.

6 Common Quit Smoking Tools Reviewed

In the quit smoking world there are hundreds, if not thousands of tools available which claim to assist you. These range from chemicals to mind tools to herbal remedies, and everything in between. Below is an overview of the 6 most common types of smoking cessation tools.

1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) comes in many forms including gum, inhalers, lozenges, lolipops, nasal spray, patches, and more. With NRT, it is said that your chances of quitting are doubled - especially if you smoke soon after waking. The basic premise to NRT is that you have a nicotine addiction which you slowly wean off of. You take gradually smaller doses of the NRT replacement until you no longer have an addiction.

The biggest failure which occurs with NRT is when your nicotine cravings exceed the amount you are getting, and you either smoke a cigarette or increase your NRT dosage.

2. Medication

Smoking cessation medications like nicoderm, Zyban, and Chantix work by regulating the transmitters associated with nicotine uptake. To some extent their exact method remains a mystery, but they tend to have a cumulative effect of reducing or eliminating nicotine cravings. Unfortunately, they also have many side effects. Some of the more common ones include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and in some cases depressive illness. Like NRT, relapse is still possible, though the rates tend to be lower.

3. Acupuncture / Low Level Laser

An increasingly popular quit smoking tool is acupuncture, and its technologically advanced equivalent - low level laser therapy. Both of these treatments work approximately by regulating chemicals in the body such as endorphins. By balancing these chemicals, they are able to break the cycle of addiction which caused excessive endorphins to be released during smoking. The idea behind low level laser is that the common acupuncture points can be controlled more precisely.

4. Hypnosis & Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Rather than targeting your body's hormones and chemicals, Hypnosis and its close cousin NLP attempt to work by targeting the subconscious desires and the conditioning of those desires in your mind. Unlike both NRP and drugs, they have no side effects. They also have a surprisingly high success rate depending on how they are administered. The main difference between the two is that you stay fully conscious with NLP whereas hypnotherapy is more of a trance state.

5. Natural Herbal Remedies

There are a multitude of natural herbs and plants which target your neuro-chemical system in a manner similar to prescription drugs or NRT, but without as many side effects. These include Lobelia, Passion Flower, Vitamin B12, 5-htp, Valerian, and many others. Many communities exist on the Internet (forums) in which you can find guidance from other people who are currently or have previously used these successfully. A word of caution - While they're almost always cheaper, sometimes herbs can be more dangerous than medication.

6. Cold Turkey

Perhaps the most common method of all is probably least expected - quitting outright. It's said that your mind takes an average of 7 tries before you can successfully quit smoking - but each time it learns and becomes better for the next. Quitting cold turkey means you smoke one day and put them down the next - forever. While it seems like that would take a lot of willpower, it can actually be easier in some ways. For one, you are not extending the addiction cycle for weeks on end like with NRT. Also, you are not reinforcing your triggers by smoking at a reduced rate. That being said, however, it does take a lot of willpower all at once.

Always remember that out of the great many 'tools' available to quit smoking - they will all fail in the face of your desire. That is - you have to want to quit badly enough that it outweighs your desire to smoke again. Achieving that is at least half the battle.

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